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    Landgesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt mbH
    Große Diesdorfer Str. 56/57
    D-39110 Magdeburg

    Phone:  +49 (0) 391 7361-6
    Fax: +49 (0) 391 7361-777
    E-Mail: info@lgsa.de

    Company registry office: Stendal
    Register number: HRB Nr. 104364
    EU VAT ID number: DE 139308166

    Managing Directors: Frank, Ribbe, Dr. Franziska Kersten (responsible for content according to § 6 (1) TDG)
    Chairman of the board: Prof. Dr. Claudia Dalbert (Minister for Environment, Agriculture and Energy for Saxony-Anhalt)

    Image credits:

    All pictures, graphics and photographs used on this web page are copyrighted.

    © Landgesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt mbH © twystydigi, Fotolia.com; © Ewald Fröch, Fotolia.com; © d-jukic, Fotolia.com;© VRD, Fotolia.com


    1. The services and content provided on the homepage of the Landgesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt mbH (hereafter called LGSA) have been prepared and compiled with the utmost care. Nevertheless, all information provided is non-binding.  With respect to the results obtained from using the website, the LGSA cannot assume any liability for the accuracy, completeness or up-to-dateness of the information provided.
      The available data, news and information regarding planning, architectural and engineering services, as well as all information on land plots – especially that contained in the land directory – are provided as information only, or for investment consideration.
      Please verify all information provided before acting on it. Contact us directly for reliable and binding information.
    2. Changes and amendments
      The LGSA reserves the right to amend, supplement, delete or terminate any aspect of this site at any time without notice. In the event of changes to the site, the respective current terms and conditions of use shall apply. Should any of the provisions contained herein become ineffective or unenforceable, the other provisions remain unchanged and valid.
    3. Links to third-party sites
      The LGSA website includes links to websites operated by third parties. Links to third party sites do not imply ownership of the information contained therein and the LGSA is not responsible for their contents.
    4. Copyright and originator rights
      In using the LGSA website you must respect the copyright, name and trademark rights, and all other proprietary rights, of third parties. The provision of information by the LGSA on this website does not constitute a license or other form of permission for use of said information elsewhere. Any unlawful use of the information provided is prohibited. In particular, the reproduction, distribution, modification or integration of the contents of this website in other electronic or printed publications is prohibited, whether for private or commercial purposes.
    5. Liability
      The LGSA shall only assume liability for damages resulting from the use of incomplete or erroneous information in the case of wilful intent or gross negligence.
    6. Data protection / data security
      Should you submit personal data, such as your name or e-mail address, to this homepage, please note that such data is transmitted without encryption and that the confidentiality and integrity of the contents cannot be guaranteed. By sending your inquiry you consent to us collecting your data and processing it in electronic data processing systems in accordance with the German Data Protection Act (BDSG).
      Similarly, when communicating via private e-mail with the LGSA, please take your own precautions to ensure confidentiality and integrity of the e-mail content.
    7. Governing law
      All use of the website and information provided on the LGSA homepage is subject to German law.