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    Greenery and Open Space Planning

    Everything as it should be: Green.

    The development of urban and agricultural spaces exerts an increasing strain on the natural resources in our environment.

    Space-related planning as well as individual project planning must therefore take into account the increasingly strict nature and biodiversity conservation requirements. As a consequence, the task of finding a suitable balance between the different competing needs has got more and more complicated. 

    We respond to this trend by providing interdisciplinary, integrative approaches that makes special use of our in-house “green” competences.

    The variety of tasks is reflected in the services that we offer to cater for them.

    • Within the scope of land use planning we prepare:
      • Landscape plans
      • Green structure plans
      • Environmental reports
    • Our services for site-specific individual projects:
      • Environmental impact studies
      • Landscape conservation plans
      • Species conservation reports
    • For impact mitigation plans we offer:
      • Implementation and land use planning for landscape cultivation measures – the spectrum of alternatives ranges from measures for arable and grazing land to hedge planting and reforestation

    As a special service, we can take over responsibility for compensation and replacement measures through our ecopool of suitable projects, an option that liberates the project developers of this liability.

    » Examples of our work:

    • Landscape and green structure plans
    • Greenery and open space planning